Sunday, January 9, 2011

About Parisavante

Salut! Welcome to my study abroad blog, Parisavante. My name is Maeghan and I will be studying in Paris for the spring 2011 semester. I started this blog in order to give my friends and family an inside look at what I'll be doing in Europe, but I also hoped that this could be a resource for other students considering a semester abroad.

... and now, to answer a question that I can imagine you might be asking: What does Parisavante mean?

Parisavante is a portmanteau (a combination) of Paris (where I will be living) and savante (or savant, the masculine form), a French word meaning a woman (or man) of profound or extensive learning; learned scholar ( While I am by no means an expert on Parisian life, I hope to gain a lot of knowledge while I am abroad. I want to at least be able to say that I know a thing or two. :) I will be studying, I will be traveling, and I will be learning. I really like this name, so I hope that I can do it a little justice! Haha.

Thanks for reading!

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